
Blog Resources

The more informed we are, the better equipped we are to care for our hearing health. On the blog, you’ll find articles covering topics to help you best understand hearing loss and solutions to manage it.

Northern Hearing Health Centre

The more informed we are, the better equipped we are to care for our hearing health. On the blog, you’ll find articles covering topics to help you best understand hearing loss and solutions to manage it.

Hearing Loss And Social Isolation

Social isolation is defined as loneliness that can affect health with socially isolated individuals having less day-to-day contact with others, fewer fulfilling relationships, and an overall lack of a sense of belonging. According to the Surgeon General of the United States, social isolation is a growing epidemic and is associated with “a reduction in lifespan similar to that caused by smoking 15 cigarettes a day”.

Read More about Hearing Loss And Social Isolation

Tinnitus: What Is It, And How To Manage It?

The perception of sound, when no actual external noise is present, is commonly referred to as tinnitus, and it is much more common than people think. According to Statistics Canada (2019), approximately 37% of adult Canadians (or approximately 9.2 million people) have experienced it in the past year. Most patients describe it as the perception…

Read More about Tinnitus: What Is It, And How To Manage It?

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